First of all, if you’re still here, thank you. I really really like you and I hope we can become friends, really! I desire for this to be more than a blog but a platform for engaging in relationships over tasty food. One thing you’ll be seeing a lot more is the people in my kitchen as we cook and converse together. But whether you’re cooking with me in my cozy kitchen or just visiting the blog from afar, I want you to feel right at home.
How to best navigate the site:
First, if you’re hoping to be inspired in the kitchen and gain a few recipes for your repertoire, please subscribe to the blog using the email subscribe button on the top right column.
On the left side you’ll find a floating menu, at any point you can use the search tool to find a recipe by ingredient or recipe title and it will do its best to find what you’re looking for. You may also search by recipe (breakfast, lunch, dinner etc) or category (a fun array of categories that I feel suit my style of cooking and blogging). In the category section you’ll also see that I included some of my travels, Up and Away, and my pup, Oh Henry. If you are hoping to cook what’s in season, like I hope to do as well, you may search for recipes under the season you’re in. And lastly, if you’re just plain lost and want to go back to the home page, just click on the mixer logo and it will take you back.
At the very top right corner you’ll find all of my contact links, email, rss, twitter, pinterest, and facebook. You’ll also find a couple of these connect links by the search tool. The facebook page is brand new so please be my friend. It’s a little lonely on there right now.
The whole purpose of this new site design is for you. Yes, I hope you feel special, because Tim (amazing web designer friend) spent many hours working for you! The hope of the new design is that you can find what you’re looking for easier and that while you’re here you’d feel so comfortable you might just stay a while…. (almost as if we were chatting and sippin’ coffee together).
The great news is, this isn’t all, we’re also developing a Salt Lake City only blog soon so you can keep up with all of the SLC dining news including the events that we put on, SLC Mixers. Stay tuned for more.
photos in this post were taken by Michael Friberg
The new do looks great! I especially like the pictures in the recipe index. I need to update mine. I’ll look forward to more guests in your kitchen.
Thanks Barbara! Tim did a great job I think!!
Love the logo, and as always, you have AMAZING photos. Cheers.
LOVE the new format, logo and navigation! Nice work Becky!! Can’t wait to see more, more and more!
Yay, I’m so glad your blog is back up! It looks fantastic and I can’t wait to see more 🙂
Thanks Andi! It’s such a relief to have it done.
The new site is great, Becky! Law school doesn’t afford me much blogging time, but I will try to keep up with your wonderful posts as best I can. You have great taste (in the literal sense). 🙂
Becky, I like the simple look of your new website, great job!
I love that a few of you are adding the Ziplist functionality. I started using it and I find it SO useful! I have the app installed on my iPhone, wich is perfect when I go on an improvised grocery shopping trip.
I am definitely going to explore more of your site.
Cheers– Mel
I just revisited your site and love the new oven mitts. They are absolutely adorable. And thanks for the tip on the Siplist iPhone app, downloading that asap. Have a lovely day and stay in touch!
The new site it just lovely!
Thanks Melissa!