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I’m doing a little something different with the seasonal produce guide this month and we’ll see how it goes. Instead of including a bunch of links, I really want to get more of you involved, so… I’m starting a hashtag where you can include photos or recipe links to what you’re eating that includes the seasonal produce. Simply tweet or instagram your seasonal meal, snack or produce (recipes, photographs or anything inspiring!). Then if you’re looking for more ideas of what to eat this month you can easily scroll through the hashtag on the various social media outlets for ideas. Here’s the tag – #EatSeasonalVM (this may be obvious but VM stands for Vintage Mixer). I will be letting everyone know what the list for August is in mid-July so you can start posting and sharing recipes sooner. Then on the next post (August 1st) I will include some of your ideas! Sound good?! If you have recipe links already posted on your site or just ideas you may also include them in the comments of this post. Let me know if you have any questions.
In simple terms:
Ways you can participate …
1) instagram or tweet a seasonal recipe or a photo of seasonal produce including the hashtag #EatSeasonalVM
2) leave a comment on this blog post with a link to your recipe or with your idea including seasonal produce from the list
Benefits (not that you need them but just in case:)):
1) I will choose a few recipes every month from the hashtag to include in my post each month (with a photo and link to your blog)
2) I will be pinning recipes from the hashtag to my seasonal pinboards.
This month is incredibly scrumptious as far as produce goes! Bright fresh fruits, new vegetables, and curly green scapes! I can hardly wait to see what we all come up with!
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More Summer Recipes on Pinterest
Also, here is a vertical photo that you can save to your phone.
Surprised by some of the produce on the list, but happy to see Strawberries are still technically in season! And I’ve got a great apricot ice cream recipe I can’t wait to share with the hashtag!
Fun! Love your photos!
great idea!
I love this idea. I’ll be all over instagram with that hashtag 🙂
I’m excited for what you come up with Lindsay!
This month always makes me frustrated, because I’m waiting for things like tomatoes and green beans! But I love cucumbers and and I’m always excited when I can get them from the garden. Here’s the recipe for that amazing Hungarian Cucumber Salad my friend Al made for the lunch at my house last summer:
Thanks so much for sharing the link Kalyn! I distinctly remember enjoying that salad so I’ll have to refer back to that this season.
I adore these photos and yay for a vertical one for my phone! Great idea.
Right now I can’t seem to get enough of arugula pesto. I have a certain creation in particular that I love:
I’m also digging Black Rice Risotto with Peas
What a fun new direction for the seasonal guide!
We always seem to be on the same wave-length! I am making a scape pesto tonight and plan on something with black rice soon! Thanks so much for the recipe links and for the encouragement on the new project.
just picked up some scapes at the farmer’s market. i’d never cooked with them before… anxious to see what others do with them! (i threw em in mashed potatoes and then with some green beans.)
Gretchen, I’m making a garlic scape pesto tonight and I’ve been chopping them up into omelets and eggs! Mashed potatoes is a great idea!!
Thanks for inspiring me to have a go with beetroot this week! – such a gorgeous colour and never realised how nice the flavour is when not pickled. Shared my recipe via the hashtag 🙂
Wonderful! Can’t wait to see your recipe Amy!