Today, many of my blogging friends and I are participating in #eatseaonal, a campaign to inspire fresh, flavorful, meals around the country. We figure if the recipe is seasonal it’s better for you with fresher ingredients and its also better for your pocket book because seasonal ingredients are often the ones at the best prices. My recipe for you is Fresh Pea Carbonara. I use fresh spring peas with pasta in a traditional Italian Carbonara style (a pasta dish made with eggs, cheese, bacon, and black pepper). It’s terribly simple (30 minutes tops!) and perfectly Spring green with all of the familiar flavors of Carbonara.
I’ll let the photos speak for themselves for this recipe and move on to a story I simply can’t skip. For more seasonal recipes, please see the links at the base of this post.
My Trip to the ICU
Yes, you read that right. I ended up in the ICU last weekend. My normal self wants to down play this and tell you that it was no big deal and I’m fine but my husband keeps reminding me (and with good reason) that I was in the I. C. U. !! So, in effort to put my true self forward, I’ll give you more details.
It all started with some sort of virus that Everett caught from a friend. I then caught said virus which wiped me out all day last Saturday. Late in the evening I started breaking out in hives and after taking a good amount of benedril, in efforts for a cheap home remedy, Josh and I finally decided I needed to go to the ER.
Long story short, the hives angrily spread all over my body and into my mouth causing my tongue to swell. What usually comes after this, when you have a reaction similar to this one, is that the swelling continues down your throat causing your throat to swell and prevent breathing. I arrived just in time to the hospital to get set up on an IV for the reaction to halt so I could continue breathing as normal. Praise GOD!!!
I spent the night and next day in ICU recovering and stabilizing. No answers yet as to why this allergic reaction occurred but the whole situation left me pretty shaken up. All week I couldn’t help but contemplate the fragility of life, taking in every sweet moment with my family and thanking God for his mercy. I completely take for granted my good health and ability to eat whatever whenever with no consequences (except a few lbs here and there). Now, I’m eating more bland foods until I can get in to see an allergist and have really be grateful for every bite and every meal I’ve had without getting sick. A good friend reminded me of a verse that I couldn’t get out of my head all week.
But the brother of humble circumstances is to glory in his high position; and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away. – James 1:9-10
Though I wouldn’t consider myself rich by any means, in relation to the rest of the world, I know I am the rich one in this metaphor. So, I have something to boast in today, my fragility. While God is all powerful, I, in my humanness, am bound by weakness in my body and mind. Simply put, Today is a gift – this is something I am more truly understanding now.
This beautiful bright pasta is the perfect reminder of life. The food, which was once alive, we eat to sustain our life. But even more than that, I’m claiming that God is the true sustainer of life. I am all the more grateful for every meal and every moment shared.
Here are the beautiful Spring recipes that you’ll find floating around the web today!
Pea Pancakes with Tzatziki by Kitchen Confidante
Miso Roasted Mushrooms with Fresh Herbs by Floating Kitchen
Spicy Avocado Pesto Pasta by Well Plated
Sour Cream & Ramp Gnocchi with Sautéed Kale and Crispy Bacon by Simple Bites
Rhubarb, Apple & Pecan Crisp {Low Sugar} by Cookin’ Canuck
Shaved Asparagus, Pea and Bacon Pizza by Completely Delicious
Roasted Carrots with Fresh Sorrel by Project Domestication
Thai Quinoa Salad by Foodie Crush
Simple Santa Fe Rice with Cilantro and Garlic by Bless This Mess
Fresh Pea Carbonara by VintageMixer

Fresh Pea Carbonara Pasta Recipe
- 2 cups fresh green peas (you may also use frozen), divided
- 1 large egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/4 cup Parmesan, grated (1 ounce), plus more for serving
- 1/4 cup half and half or cream
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
- 4 ounces of pancetta or bacon, cubed
- 1/2 medium yellow onion, chopped
- 1 package pasta
- Steam the peas until they are tender (about 5 minutes). Set aside to cool. In a blender or food processor, blend, 1 1/2 cups of the cooked and cooled peas, egg, egg yolk, cheese and half & half until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
- In a large skillet over medium high heat, cook pancetta or bacon until browned (about 6-8 minutes). If using bacon, cook slightly longer and drain excess fat. Add onions and cook until soft, another 5 minutes.
- Cook pasta according to package instructions until tender but still firm to the bite. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup pasta liquid. Add pasta and extra peas (1/2 cup) to the skillet with onions and pancetta and toss. Remove skillet from heat and add pea sauce. Toss quickly to avoid the eggs from scrambling. Add the reserved pasta water as needed to thin out the sauce (I use all of the 1/2 cup).
- Transfer to serving bowls and top with extra Parmesan.
Looks utterly fantastic and so perfect for spring. Happy May seasonal eating!
Happy Seasonal Eating to you too Aimee!
Peas are without a doubt my favorite spring veg. I love eat seasonal every month, but this month I extra love it. Peeeeeas!
Sarah, I’m definitely finding new ways to enjoy peas this year! Spring is such a good time for fresh food 🙂
I’m so glad you are OK and hopefully they figure it out soon. What a scary experience. Life truly is our best, and more fragile gift. Love this gorgeous pasta recipe. Sending you hugs.
Oh, Becky…I’m so sorry that you ended up in the hospital, but am happy to hear that you’re recovering. What a scary experience! This pasta looks like the perfect comfort food. What a great to blend in the peas!
Thanks so much Dara. I am feeling much better though I will admit I’m a little scared when I eat and that’s no good.
Ah! That whole story is so scary and really odd, I wonder what was going on! I’m so glad you are feeling better. And can we say YUM to that dish?! What makes fresh peas so magical??? Bacon… that’s what! Perfection if you ask me.
YES!! Bacon and Peas are magical!!
Becky, I am tearing up reading this post and so relieved to hear that you are okay! Thank you for sharing this deeply personal story and important reminder to be thankful for each day. This pasta is truly a glorious way to celebrate life!
Erin, it was definitely an awakening moment for me. Sometimes we need those… those we don’t usually want them 🙂 Hope you are well!
Been thinking about you so much this past week. I hope that was a one-time thing and that there’s nothing but smooth sailing from here on out! This pasta sounds dreamy. We are huge carbonara fans in our house and I can’t wait to try this springtime-y version!
Annalise, I think you guys would love this pasta!! And the pancetta on top is a special treat 🙂 Tomorrow I go to the dr and hopefully get some answers, fingers crossed!
Becky, first and foremost, know that I’ve been thinking of you this week! How awful! I am so relieved to hear that you are recovering – thank goodness for the care in the ICU. Such a reminder to us all to appreciate the blessings we have, each and every single day.
And of course, this pasta – you have convinced me. I love carbonara, and this is simply beautiful. My daughter is a new convert to peas and I know she’ll love this as much as I will.
Thanks so much Liren. I am totally counting my blessings this week. Hopefully I get some more answers at my doctors appointment tomorrow. And I hope you’ll try the pasta 🙂
Oh Becky, I am so grateful to know you’re okay. Thank you for your insight on your experience, your life, and your faith. It means more than you know to me. Wishing you well my friend.
Thank you sweet friend. Miss you
Great recipe. The family loves it. Feels a lot healthier than regular old spaghetti.
Thanks so much for reporting back Ellen. Great to hear that your family enjoyed it.